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Product updates

See what's new with Cause IQ, including new tools, updated data, and improved performance

June 28, 2024

Redesigned Foundation search tool

Experience faster, easier foundation searches with intuitive filters and improved navigation

June 17, 2024

Find nonprofits that accept online donations with new filter option

Use "Accepts online donations" in Cause IQ's Characteristics filter to search for 501(c)(3)s that accept web donations

March 20, 2024

BMF Foundation Code and Publication 78 deductibility status

Know the specifics of an organization's tax deductibility classification

Feb. 27, 2024

Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) filter option

Find FQHCs in the search interface using a new value in Cause IQ's Types filter

Dec. 22, 2023

Enhanced Cause IQ organization search experience

New search filter sidebar and Advanced search

Sept. 1, 2023

Expanded federal funding data now available

Explore in-depth information and trends for federal grants and contracts received by organizations

June 13, 2023

Search for unmatched records in your uploaded CSV or Salesforce lists

Quickly find unmatched records when matching CSV files or Salesforce list views in Cause IQ

June 1, 2023

Cause IQ has added over a million updated nonprofit tax returns

The IRS finally released new nonprofit tax returns, and Cause IQ has added them to our data pipeline

March 10, 2023

New foundation search tool

Cause IQ's new foundation search makes searching for foundations and grant details easier than ever

Feb. 1, 2023

Amazon Smile added to IT Products used

Identify organizations that advertise Amazon Smile on their websites for donations

Oct. 4, 2022

Historical grant information now available in detailed organization Excel reports

View up to 2,500 current and past grants received by an organization

Aug. 22, 2022

New organization data update displays

View and receive updates when organizations post new financials, update personnel, receive grants, and use new vendors

June 13, 2022

Quickly select recently-used columns

Select recently-used columns that you've exported and fields that you've worked with in other tools in one click

Feb. 24, 2022

Enhanced nonprofit vendor reporting

Better understand current and past vendors, and the year(s) the vendors were identified by Cause IQ

Feb. 24, 2022

New "Location" filter

Search for organizations by state, county, metro area, and city all in one place

Jan. 7, 2022

New a la carte exporting for Core Subscriptions

Core Subscribers can now generate bulk exports for $0.90 per record.

Oct. 18, 2021

Classroom management and fundraising software added to IT products used

Identify organizations using GiveButter, Renweb, Power School, Skyward, and more

Sept. 30, 2021

New Search Filter Sidebar

The new Search Filter Sidebar makes finding and using the filters you need easier than ever

Sept. 10, 2021

Updated search interface

Cause IQ's quickest and most powerful search interface yet

Sept. 3, 2021

More IT products added

We've added more fundraising, auction, and higher ed software to the "IT products used" field

June 9, 2021

Enhanced organization detailed Excel reports

New "Program areas", "Grantmaking", "Funding", and "Vendor" worksheets

May 7, 2021

Smart Search Box

Get to where you want to go in Cause IQ more quickly

Dec. 14, 2020

Export only new record values since a previously-remembered export

Only export record values that have been updated or added to Cause IQ since a previously-remembered export

Sept. 30, 2020

New "Funding" tab on the search interface

See which foundations give to a group of organizations and view grant details

Sept. 1, 2020

Cause IQ now has an API!

Programmatically retrieve organization profile information and search for organizations matching query criteria

Aug. 10, 2020

New organization profiles

Enhanced profile layout, new sections, and more data!

Aug. 3, 2020

Form 990 Schedule I grant data available

Search for grantmaking organizations and view the grants an organization receives

May 26, 2020

New Dashboard layout

Get started with Cause IQ more quickly, better understand your Cause IQ activity, and access your account settings

May 11, 2020

New categories available to search, view, and export

Better understand what an organization is, the issues they work on, and they're general characteristics

April 15, 2020

More software added to the IT products used field

We've added more fundraising, grant management, and marketing automation software to the IT products used field

Feb. 24, 2020

990-EZ and 990-N (e-Postcard) filers available

Small organizations filing a 990-EZ or 990-N with the IRS are now in Cause IQ

Jan. 1, 2020

Enhanced organization PDF one-pager reports

Customize the KPIs shown, view the top key employees working at the organization, and see the most relevant vendors the organizations use

Oct. 9, 2019

Gross Receipts field available

Search, display, and export Gross Receipts field from Form 990 and Form 990-EZ

June 17, 2019

Some Facebook-related fields are no longer available

Facebook changed their API policies, preventing Cause IQ from bringing in certain fields

June 17, 2019

New and improved personnel algorithms

We've implemented new personnel algorithms that help us identify new and update existing personnel more regularly

May 29, 2019

26 new KPI and financial metric fields

New financial KPIs available to search, display, and export

May 29, 2019

New private foundation specific fields

Search, display, and export fields directly related to private foundations

May 28, 2019

Remembering your exports for future deduping

What used to be called "Tracking your exports" in Cause IQ is now called "Remembering your exports"

May 13, 2019

Download organization records in the matching wizard

Download your "Unmatched", "Ignored", or "Matched" organization records to a CSV file

Jan. 25, 2019

"All years" worksheet for multi-year exports

View one worksheet to see the past five years of selected quantitative data for relevant organizations

Oct. 23, 2018

Hospital facility-level information from Schedule H

Cause IQ now has information on specific hospital facilities, from Schedule H, Part V

Sept. 25, 2018

Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365 added to IT products used

Identify organizations using Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365

Aug. 14, 2018

New Form 990 Schedule H and Schedule C information available

View, search, export, and benchmark Schedule H and Schedule C information in Cause IQ

Aug. 1, 2018

Search filter sidebar enhancements

New tabs to better organize filters and view all options available for filters with predefined options

July 16, 2018

New Salesforce Dashboard

Easier-to-use Dashboard to help you load, match, and enrich your existing Salesforce records

July 13, 2018

New data source for creating Form 990 PDFs

Cause IQ can now generate a PDF from the raw XML Form 990 data that we get from the IRS

May 4, 2018

Member tags on an organization's profile

Easily view which of your saved searches and/or lists an organization belongs to

March 28, 2018

Load your default personnel settings for export

Quickly load your most recent personnel settings so you don't have to manually make the appropriate selections

March 12, 2018

Cause IQ's "Custom export name" for Salesforce users

Map a custom text field to Cause IQ's "Custom export name" to tag the new Salesforce records you create in bulk

Jan. 30, 2018

Multi-year organization exports

Export organizations' quantitative details from the past five years for benchmarking and analysis

Jan. 22, 2018

Form 5500 details now available

Employee benefit plan details are now available for filtering, analysis, and export

Jan. 15, 2018

LinkedIn profiles available for viewing and export

Access LinkedIn profiles right from Cause IQ and include their URLs in your personnel exports

Jan. 4, 2018

More IT products and vendors added!

We now have MailChimp, Constant Contact, Joomla, and others. We've also enhanced identification for existing IT products

Dec. 28, 2017

New navigation bar

Easily get help, stay organized, and access what you regularly use in one place

Oct. 24, 2017

New category fields for searching, analysis, and export

Better understand organizations' structure and what they care about

Oct. 19, 2017

Major NTEE code enhancements

New sources for NTEE codes and multiple NTEE codes available for each organization

July 11, 2017

NAICS categories now available

Organizations now classified accoridng to NAICS codes, with two new filters available

Feb. 15, 2017

New search filter sidebar tool

More easily add and change filters to find specific types of organizations

Dec. 6, 2016

Salesforce integration

Create Accounts, Contacts, and/or Leads, and update existing records with new information from Cause IQ

Aug. 23, 2016

Related entities from Schedule R

See closely related or wholly-owned nonprofits and companies, as well as their transactions, for certain organizations

July 22, 2016

Excel-based organization reports

Download all of the information that appears in an organization's profile into one Excel report

July 21, 2016

Integration with Salesforce

Directly create Leads, Accounts, and/or Contacts from Cause IQ

June 7, 2016

Import CSV spreadsheet wizard

Easily import spreadsheets into Cause IQ, for enriching data and filtering attendee lists

May 24, 2016

New foundation categories

New categories let you easily find normal grantmaking foundations (versus private foundations)

Feb. 15, 2016

Consolidated financials for headquarter organizations

Find headquarter organizations by the characteristics of their chapters and branches

Aug. 17, 2015

Organization group characteristics

Cause IQ now has the ability to find organizations in group structures, with parent and child relationships

Aug. 7, 2015

Private foundation tax preparers

Cause IQ now has tax preparers (i.e., CPA firms) identified for private foundations

June 29, 2015

Executive Compensation

Cause IQ can benchmark and analyze executive compensation among nonprofit staff and board members

June 22, 2015

Common characteristics among organizations

Cause IQ lets you automatically find common characteristics among a list of organizations

May 25, 2015

Redesigned export tab

Now export organization and personnel information from the same page

May 25, 2015

Access personnel directly in organization search

The new Personnel tab in the organization search shows you which personnel work for the organizations in your search results

April 13, 2015

Import list from CSV

Create lists of organizations in Cause IQ from spreadsheets or your CRM

April 6, 2015

Advanced analysis of organization characteristics

Compare how two different fields relate to each other for any market segment

Feb. 24, 2015

PDF Organization Reports

Generate a PDF one-pager reports containing high-level information on an organization

Jan. 26, 2015

Fundraising events

Filter search results fundraising event characteristics

Nov. 5, 2014

Program related investments

Search by investments made to accomplish an organization's exempt purposes

Nov. 5, 2014

Alternative assets, liabilities, and securities

Get better visibility into the non-traditional financials of organizations

Oct. 28, 2014

Prevent exporting duplicate organizations

Track your searches so you export organizations and personnel you haven't previously exported