Cause IQ vendor profile


RRC CPAs PC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York and New Jersey (although they are present in other states as well).

Most RRC CPAs PC clients are civic and social organizations, amateur sports, youth sports, and recreational services, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $49,366 to $518,090.

Primary location:
Orangeburg, NY
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$269 thou revenue
Median client size:
$103 thou revenue

RRC CPAs PC client list

1Home Health Care Agencies.com501(c)(3)New City, NY
2Nanuet Family Resource Center501(c)(3)Nanuet, NY
3Rockland Economic Development Corporation (REDC)501(c)(3)New City, NY
4Stage Left Childrens Theater501(c)(3)Tappan, NY
5Sucasa501(c)(3)West Nyack, NY
6Felines for Adoption Cat Rescue501(c)(3)Mahwah, NJ
7Little League Baseball - 2321806 Nanuet LL501(c)(3)Nanuet, NY
8New York State PTA - 004-204 Strawtown Elem School PTA501(c)(3)West Nyack, NY
9Apics Tappan Zee Chapter501(c)(6)Cortland Manor, NY
10Holy Trinity Blue and Gold501(c)(3)Westfield, NJ
...and 8 more RRC CPAs PC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

RRC CPAs PC competitors

Competitors to RRC CPAs PC in the nonprofit sector include Schoonover Boyer Associates, NSBN LLP, Hecht and Company PC, Beall Barclay and Company PLC, Friedberg Smith and Co PC, Lynch Malloy Marini LLP, Bowling Franklin and Collp, Carlson Highland and Co LLP, Hendershot Burkhardt and Associates, and Carlson Advisors LLP.

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