Cause IQ vendor profile

Carlson Highland and Co LLP

Carlson Highland and Co LLP is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Minnesota and Wisconsin (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Carlson Highland and Co LLP clients are professional associations, credit unions, health and welfare funds, vocational rehabilitation services, and civic and social organizations with revenues ranging from $227,240 to $588,826.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Carlson Highland &co LLP; Dean Birkeland; and Carlson and Company LLP.

Primary location:
Fergus Falls, MN
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.4 mil revenue
Median client size:
$122 thou revenue

Carlson Highland and Co LLP client list

1Westlake Enterprises501(c)(3)Ladysmith, WI
2Midland Co-Op Credit Union501(c)(14)Minneapolis, MN
3Animal Foundation of Amery501(c)(3)Amery, WI
4Barron County Developmental Disabilities Services501(c)(3)Barron, WI
5Wisconsin Paraoptometric Association501(c)(6)Dorchester, WI
6Sabin Elmwood Firefighters Relief501(c)(4)Sabin, MN
7Air Force Association / Minneapolis Branch501(c)(3)Crystal, MN
8Shift501(c)(3)Bloomington, MN
9Battle Lake Association of Senior Citizens501(c)(3)Battle Lake, MN
10Rotary International - St Croix Falls Wi-Taylors Falls MN501(c)(4)St Croix Falls, WI

Carlson Highland and Co LLP competitors

Competitors to Carlson Highland and Co LLP in the nonprofit sector include Cullari Carrico Soojian Burke LLC, Arnold Gallivan Levesque PC, RLH CPAs and Business Advisors LLC, Romberger Wilson and Beeson Inc, Hinricher Douglas and Porter LLP, HSMC Orizon LLC, Mcpherson Breyfogle Daveline and Goodrich, Bedard Kurowicki and Co CPA's PC, Kolder Champagne Slaven and Company, and Travis Wolff LLP.

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