Cause IQ vendor profile

Reliance Integrated Solutions LLC

Reliance Integrated Solutions LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Hawaii, Kentucky, and Maine (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Reliance Integrated Solutions LLC clients are religious organizations, cemeteries, funeral homes, and death care services, environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations, civic and social organizations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $18,412 to $337,165.

Primary location:
Brown Deer, WI
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$384 thou revenue
Median client size:
$41 thou revenue

Reliance Integrated Solutions LLC client list

1Frances N Alden Charitable Trust501(c)(3)Louisville, KY
2Public Lands Endowment Trust Public501(c)(5)Saint Louis, MO
3CN Wodehouse Faculty Benefit Trust at501(c)(3)Honolulu, HI
4CN Wodehouse Faculty Benefit Trust at501(c)(3)Honolulu, HI
5Saxer Family Foundation501(c)(3)Saint Louis, MO
6CN N Wodehouse Faculty Benefit Trust at501(c)(3)Honolulu, HI
7Robert E Black Memorial Trust501(c)(3)Honolulu, HI
8Sullivan Astronomy Fellowship Tuw501(c)(3)Louisville, KY
9Cadence Bank Foundation501(c)(3)Tupelo, MS
10Roger and Camille Blume Foundation501(c)(3)Louisville, KY
...and 263 more Reliance Integrated Solutions LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Reliance Integrated Solutions LLC competitors

Competitors to Reliance Integrated Solutions LLC in the nonprofit sector include Lynch Malloy Marini LLP, Carlson Highland and Co LLP, Dechants Fuglein and Johnson LLP, Jimmy J Chen and Associates Inc, Anfinson Thompson and Company, Omega Financial Inc, TJS Deemer Dana LLP, Timmins Jacobsen and Strawhacker LLP, Janover LLC, and Woods Accounting Services PC.

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