Cause IQ vendor profile

Brian L Escobar CPA Inc

Brian L Escobar CPA Inc is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Brian L Escobar CPA Inc clients are amateur sports, youth sports, and recreational services, grantmaking foundations, civic and social organizations, emergency and relief services, musical groups and artists, health and disease research fundraising organizations, and environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations with revenues ranging from $80,579 to $442,415.

Primary location:
Bakersfield, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$191 thou revenue
Median client size:
$101 thou revenue

Brian L Escobar CPA Inc client list

1Golden Empire Youth Tackle Football501(c)(3)Bakersfield, CA
2World Impact Foundation501(c)(3)Malibu, CA
3Bakersfield Aquatics Club501(c)(3)Bakersfield, CA
4Spartans Mid-West Youth Tackle Football501(c)(3)Bakersfield, CA
5High Sierra Wild Horse Sanctuary and Gentling Center501(c)(3)Weldon, CA
6Bakersfield Firefighters Burn Foundation501(c)(3)Bakersfield, CA
7Teach To Give501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
8Elite Force Wrestling Club501(c)(3)Bakersfield, CA
9Bakersfield Choir Boosters Association501(c)(3)Bakersfield, CA
10Proyecto de Compasion501(c)(3)Bakersfield, CA
...and 1 more Brian L Escobar CPA Inc not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Brian L Escobar CPA Inc competitors

Competitors to Brian L Escobar CPA Inc in the nonprofit sector include Hamilton Pyle and Bowman LLP, Dawson Smith Purvis and Bassett PA, Boles Metzger Brosius and Emrick PC, Sielschott Walsh Keifer and Regula CPAs Inc, Dunlap and Associates PC, Tom Tomaszewski CPA, Aiello Goodrich and Teuscher Accountancy Corporation, Map For Nonprofits, Reid CPAs LLP, and Knapek Gabriele and Bottini LLP.

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