Cause IQ vendor profile

Mays Tax and Business Services

Mays Tax and Business Services is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Mays Tax and Business Services clients are civic and social organizations, individual and family services, health and disease research fundraising organizations, social advocacy organizations, professional associations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $28 to $88,270.

Primary location:
Cupertino, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$62 thou revenue
Median client size:
$5.0 thou revenue

Mays Tax and Business Services client list

1Luke Christian Medical Mission501(c)(3)Fremont, CA
2Gracious Life Foundation501(c)(3)Sunnyvale, CA
3Vivi Li Foundation501(c)(3)San Jose, CA
4Tunghai University Endowment Fund for Academic Advancement USA501(c)(3)Monte Sereno, CA
5Us-Asia Innovation Gateway501(c)(6)Cupertino, CA
6The Raymond Foundation501(c)(3)Milpitas, CA
7Us-China Innovation Gateway501(c)(3)Cupertino, CA
8Jin and Aihua Foundation501(c)(3)Campbell, CA
9International Expandable Users Group Association501(c)(6)Santa Clara, CA

Mays Tax and Business Services competitors

Competitors to Mays Tax and Business Services in the nonprofit sector include Chou and CCH Accountancy Corporation, Mostafa M Afr PHD CPA PC, TD&T Financial Group PC, Hicok Fern and Company, Frost Ruttenberg and Rothblatt PC, Metcalf Davis CPAs, HLB Tautges Redpath Ltd, S I Gordon and Company PA, Bgcko LLP, and Nonprofits Assistance Fund.

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