Cause IQ vendor profile

Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions

Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Iowa and Indiana (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions clients are health and welfare funds with revenues ranging from $10,635 to $284,511.

Primary location:
Lakeland, FL
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$122 thou revenue
Median client size:
$39 thou revenue

Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions client list

1Davenport Community School District Veba Trust501(c)(9)Davenport, IA
2Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp- Veba Trust501(c)(9)Columbus, IN
3Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools Veba Trust501(c)(9)Prior Lake, MN
4Western Dubuque Community School District501(c)(9)Farley, IA
5West Washington School Corporation Veba Trust501(c)(9)Campbellsburg, IN
6South Knox School Corp District Veba Trust501(c)(9)Vincennes, IN
7South Winneshiek Community School District Veba Trust501(c)(9)Calmar, IA
8Salem Community Schools District Veba Trust501(c)(9)Salem, IN
9Shelby Eastern Schools Veba Trust501(c)(9)Shelbyville, IN
10Westview School Corporation - Veba Trust501(c)(9)Topeka, IN
...and 41 more Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions competitors

Competitors to Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions in the nonprofit sector include Lynch Malloy Marini LLP, Bowling Franklin and Collp, Carlson Highland and Co LLP, Dechants Fuglein and Johnson LLP, Spectrum CPA Group LLP, Jimmy J Chen and Associates Inc, Porter Muirhead Cornia and Howard CPAs, Omega Financial Inc, Woods Accounting Services PC, and SCL CPA PC.

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