Cause IQ vendor profile

Karla Havemeier Ltd

Karla Havemeier Ltd is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Minnesota (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Karla Havemeier Ltd clients are civic and social organizations, pension funds, and amateur sports, youth sports, and recreational services with revenues ranging from $32,157 to $187,904.

Primary location:
New Ulm, MN
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$122 thou revenue
Median client size:
$56 thou revenue

Karla Havemeier Ltd client list

1New Ulm Chamber of Commerce501(c)(6)New Ulm, MN
2MN VFW - 906 Vfw-Minn501(c)(19)Hutchinson, MN
3Treasure Haus501(c)(3)New Ulm, MN
4American Legion - 0132 Seifert-Bianchi501(c)(19)New Ulm, MN
5American Legion Post 33 St James501(c)(19)Saint James, MN
6Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - 2427 Hutchinson501(c)(8)Hutchinson, MN
7Dr Willard E and Ella N Romberg Supporting Foundation501(c)(3)New Ulm, MN
8Minnesota Lake Fire Department Relief Association501(c)(3)Minnesota Lake, MN
9Sleepy Eye Sportsmen's Club501(c)(3)Sleepy Eye, MN
10Kilkenny Firemen's Relief Association501(c)(4)Kilkenny, MN
...and 51 more Karla Havemeier Ltd not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Karla Havemeier Ltd competitors

Competitors to Karla Havemeier Ltd in the nonprofit sector include Bgcko LLP, Nonprofits Assistance Fund, Pricewaterhouseccopers LLP, JPMS Cox PLLC, Couch and Russell Financial Group, BWTP PC, Drucker and Scaccetti PC, CPA Group Of Laramie LLC, National Tax and Financial Services Inc, and FD Thompson and Co PLC.

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