Cause IQ vendor profile

Citizens and Northern Bank

Citizens and Northern Bank is a firm that provides tax accounting, financial advisor, fiduciary trustee, investment management, and administrative support to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Pennsylvania (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Citizens and Northern Bank clients are civic and social organizations, residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities, services for the elderly and people with disabilities, museums, historical sites, and similar institutions, cemeteries, funeral homes, and death care services, fire protection, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $36,974 to $433,215.

Primary location:
Wellsboro, PA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.0 mil revenue
Median client size:
$100 thou revenue

Citizens and Northern Bank client list

1Pathways501(c)(3)Corning, NY
2Martha Lloyd School501(c)(3)Troy, PA
3Catharine A Harrison Fund501(c)(3)Wellsboro, PA
4Every Joseph R Scholarship Fund501(c)(3)Wellsboro, PA
5William and LR Gale Community Foundation501(c)(3)Wellsboro, PA
6Ernest L and Mildred Roberts Sweet Foundation501(c)(3)Wellsboro, PA
7Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation501(c)(3)Williamsport, PA
8Norton Charitable Trust501(c)(3)Wellsboro, PA
9William and Carola Glennon Charitable Foundation501(c)(3)Wellsboro, PA
10Sherman Harold Q Trust Under Will501(c)(3)Wellsboro, PA
...and 29 more Citizens and Northern Bank not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Citizens and Northern Bank competitors

Competitors to Citizens and Northern Bank in the nonprofit sector include Bank Of America, N.a., State Street Global Advisors, Towers Watson, Bank Of America, Commerce Trust Company, Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, Fifth Third Bank, Edward Jones, Bmo Harris Bank Na, and SunTrust Bank.

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