Cause IQ vendor profile

Arana and Cordova PC

Arana and Cordova PC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Arizona (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Arana and Cordova PC clients are child and youth services, museums, historical sites, and similar institutions, health and disease research fundraising organizations, civic and social organizations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $13,849 to $1.7 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Arana Cordova PC.

Primary location:
Nogales, AZ
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$716 thou revenue
Median client size:
$41 thou revenue

Arana and Cordova PC client list

1Stevens Haven Charitable Foundation501(c)(3)Casa Grande, AZ
2First Fair USA Impact Fund501(c)(4)Amado, AZ
3Nogales Educational Foundation501(c)(3)Nogales, AZ
4Adair Foundation501(c)(3)Fountain Hills, AZ
5Casa Hogar Madre Conchita Foundation501(c)(3)Tucson, AZ
6The Associated Charities of Nogales501(c)(3)Nogales, AZ
7Panousopoulos Scholastic Charitable Foundation501(c)(3)Nogales, AZ
8Big Chuy Memorial Foundation501(c)(3)Nogales, AZ
9Rotary Club of Nogales Foundation501(c)(3)Nogales, AZ
10Nogales U S Customs Brokers Association501(c)(6)Nogales, AZ
...and 1 more Arana and Cordova PC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Arana and Cordova PC competitors

Competitors to Arana and Cordova PC in the nonprofit sector include BWTP PC, CPA Group Of Laramie LLC, National Tax and Financial Services Inc, FD Thompson and Co PLC, Lochen and Chase PC, Clay Millias and Co LLP, Collier Heggerness and Bronk CPAs PS Inc, Emerald Accounting and Tax Services, Murphy Enterprises Inc, and John Flusche CPA.

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