Cause IQ vendor profile

William R Scoville CPA LLC

William R Scoville CPA LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Connecticut and Rhode Island (although they are present in other states as well).

Most William R Scoville CPA LLC clients are environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations, civic and social organizations, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, emergency and relief services, fire protection, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $49,752 to $146,654.

Primary location:
Weatogue, CT
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$85 thou revenue
Median client size:
$80 thou revenue

William R Scoville CPA LLC client list

1New Hartford Land Trust501(c)(3)New Hartford, CT
2Helping Haitian Children501(c)(3)Avon, CT
3Grand Chapter of Conn Oes501(c)(8)Plymouth, CT
4The Simsbury Volunteer Fire501(c)(3)Simsbury, CT
5Lucy E Holcombe Charitable Foundation501(c)(3)Warren, RI
6The Masooli Project501(c)(3)Simsbury, CT
7Univ of Conn Health Center Auxiliary501(c)(3)Farmington, CT
8Nod Road Preservation501(c)(3)Avon, CT
9Holcombe Charitable Foundation501(c)(3)Granby, CT

William R Scoville CPA LLC competitors

Competitors to William R Scoville CPA LLC in the nonprofit sector include Miller Haviland Ketter PC PA, Greenawalt and Company PC, HG&K Ltd, Lanier Deal and Proctor CPAs, Fleet Firm, Sol Schwartz and Associates PC, Schlenker and Cantwell PA, Horner Wible and Terek PC, Parsons and Wright CPAs, and Winther Stave and Co LLP.

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