Cause IQ vendor profile

Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Whiting-Turner Contracting Company is a firm that provides services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Maryland, Delaware, and New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Whiting-Turner Contracting Company clients are colleges, universities, and professional schools, hospitals, assisted living and continuing care retirement communities, elementary and secondary schools, and museums, historical sites, and similar institutions with revenues ranging from $33 million to $3.0 billion.

Primary location:
Baltimore, MD
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$830 mil revenue
Median client size:
$178 mil revenue

Whiting-Turner Contracting Company client list

1Johns Hopkins University (JHU)501(c)(3)Baltimore, MD
2Mercy Medical Center501(c)(3)Baltimore, MD
3Kipp Texas501(c)(3)Houston, TX
4University of Delaware (UD)501(c)(3)Newark, DE
5Hood College501(c)(3)Frederick, MD
6WESTMINSTER at Lake Ridge501(c)(3)Rockville, MD
7Northwell Healthcare501(c)(3)Westbury, NY
8Mount Sinai South Nassau501(c)(3)Oceanside, NY
9Holy Cross Health501(c)(3)Silver Spring, MD
10Albany Medical College501(c)(3)Albany, NY
...and 13 more Whiting-Turner Contracting Company not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Whiting-Turner Contracting Company competitors

Competitors to Whiting-Turner Contracting Company in the nonprofit sector include Conduent HR Consulting, LLC, Liberty Life Assurance Company Of Boston, Hyatt Legal Plans, Lincoln Life Assurance Company Of Boston, Brighthouse Securities, LLC, Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna), Unimerica Insurance Company, Zurich American Insurance Company, Willis Towers Watson, and Delta Dental Of Ohio.

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