Cause IQ vendor profile

Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna)

Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna) is a firm that provides insurance to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna) clients are health and welfare funds, elementary and secondary schools, hospitals, and residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities with revenues ranging from $21 million to $907 million.

Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$298 mil revenue
Median client size:
$47 mil revenue

Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna) client list

1National Academy of Sciences501(c)(3)Washington, DC
2Potomac School501(c)(3)Mclean, VA
3Service Coordination501(c)(3)Frederick, MD
4The Buckley School501(c)(3)Sherman Oaks, CA
5Abilityfirst501(c)(3)Pasadena, CA
6Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian501(c)(3)Newport Beach, CA
7University Hospitals Health System / Management Services Center501(c)(3)Shaker Heights, OH
8Community Partners / Paul Vandeventer501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
9Sundance Institute501(c)(3)Park City, UT
10Child360501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
...and 13 more Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna) not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna) competitors

Competitors to Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Affiliates (Cigna) in the nonprofit sector include Medica Insurance Company, Reliance Standard, Humana Inc, Cigna Life Insurance Co. Of New York, Ace American Insurance Company, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA), Cigna Group Insurance, Aetna Health Inc, Dearborn Life Insurance Company, and Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Massachusetts, Inc..

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