Cause IQ vendor profile

Thomas E Clayton JR PLLC

Thomas E Clayton JR PLLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Mississippi (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Thomas E Clayton JR PLLC clients are water, sewage, and air systems, cemeteries, funeral homes, and death care services, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $26,706 to $396,980.

Primary location:
Marks, MS
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$196 thou revenue
Median client size:
$36 thou revenue

Thomas E Clayton JR PLLC client list

1Quitman County Educational Foundation501(c)(3)Marks, MS
2Big Field Water Association501(c)(12)Marks, MS
3First Marks Cemetery Association501(c)(13)Marks, MS
4West Lambert Water Association501(c)(12)Marks, MS
5Jonestown Habitat for Humanity501(c)(3)Jonestown, MS
6Birdie Water Association501(c)(12)Marks, MS
7Cassidy Foundation501(c)(3)Marks, MS
8Joan and William King Self Memorial Fund501(c)(3)Marks, MS
9Delta Academy Scholarship Trust501(c)(3)Marks, MS
10Delta Christian Counseling Center501(c)(3)Marks, MS

Thomas E Clayton JR PLLC competitors

Competitors to Thomas E Clayton JR PLLC in the nonprofit sector include Sielschott Walsh Keifer and Regula CPAs Inc, Reid CPAs LLP, Cain Bourret Jarry and Associates LLC, Trust Point Inc, Reliable Accounting LLC, Bumgardner Morrison and Company LLP, Lawhorn CPA Group Inc, Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP, Walters Staedtler and Allen LLC, and Labarr and Labarr LLC.

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