Cause IQ vendor profile

Emerald Accounting and Tax Services

Emerald Accounting and Tax Services is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Emerald Accounting and Tax Services clients are labor unions with revenues ranging from $73,409 to $416,268.

Primary location:
Riverside, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$202 thou revenue
Median client size:
$112 thou revenue

Emerald Accounting and Tax Services client list

1Government Employees Afge Afl Cio Local 2054501(c)(5)North Little Rock, AR
2American Federation of Government Employees - 1260 Afge Tsa Local501(c)(5)Los Angeles, CA
31061 Afge Local501(c)(5)Los Angeles, CA
4American Federation of Government Employees501(c)(5)San Antonio, TX
5American Federation of Government Employees Afl Cio Local 3369501(c)(5)Flushing, NY
6American Federation of Government Employees / Afge Council 147501(c)(5)San Diego, CA
7American Federation of Government Employees - 1224 Afge Local Va501(c)(5)Las Vegas, NV
8American Federation of Government Employees - 1858 Afge Aafes Local501(c)(5)Redstone Arsenal, AL
9American Federation of Government Employees / Afge Local 3172501(c)(5)Pacifica, CA
10American Federation of Govt Employees Local 933501(c)(5)Detroit, MI
...and 38 more Emerald Accounting and Tax Services not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Emerald Accounting and Tax Services competitors

Competitors to Emerald Accounting and Tax Services in the nonprofit sector include Arnold Gallivan Levesque PC, RLH CPAs and Business Advisors LLC, Romberger Wilson and Beeson Inc, Byeman and Cleary CPAs, Hinricher Douglas and Porter LLP, Seligman Friedman and Co PC, HSMC Orizon LLC, Mcpherson Breyfogle Daveline and Goodrich, Bedard Kurowicki and Co CPA's PC, and Kolder Champagne Slaven and Company.

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