Cause IQ vendor profile

Shen and Company PS

Shen and Company PS is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Washington and Oregon (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Shen and Company PS clients are religious organizations, musical groups and artists, professional associations, sports regulatory associations and property owner associations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $23,452 to $261,401.

Primary location:
Mercer Island, WA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$121 thou revenue
Median client size:
$45 thou revenue

Shen and Company PS client list

1American Asian Performing Arts501(c)(3)Bellevue, WA
2World Buddhist Preaching Association501(c)(3)Portland, OR
3Fa-Sheng Temple of the American501(c)(3)Seattle, WA
4International District Improvement Association501(c)(4)Seattle, WA
5Asian American Affairs Association501(c)(3)Bellevue, WA
6Church of I Guan Tao501(c)(3)Seattle, WA
7Chinese Institute of Engineers USA501(c)(3)Renton, WA
8Northwest Asian Weekly Foundation501(c)(3)Seattle, WA
9Suns Cancer Education Foundation501(c)(3)Seattle, WA

Shen and Company PS competitors

Competitors to Shen and Company PS in the nonprofit sector include BWTP PC, FD Thompson and Co PLC, Clay Millias and Co LLP, Collier Heggerness and Bronk CPAs PS Inc, Lochen and Chase PC, Emerald Accounting and Tax Services, Murphy Enterprises Inc, John Flusche CPA, Cook Martin Poulson PC, and Marrs Sevier and Company LLC.

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