Cause IQ vendor profile

Schneider Downs and Co., Inc.

Schneider Downs and Co., Inc. is a firm that provides audit accounting, tax accounting, investment management, and administrative support to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Pennsylvania and Ohio (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Schneider Downs and Co., Inc. clients are colleges, universities, and professional schools, health and welfare funds, and hospitals with revenues ranging from $14 million to $255 million.

Primary location:
Pittsburgh, PA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$101 mil revenue
Median client size:
$26 mil revenue

Schneider Downs and Co., Inc. client list

1Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
2United Steelworkers USW501(c)(5)Pittsburgh, PA
3Pittsburgh Cultural Trust501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
4Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank501(c)(3)Duquesne, PA
5Vitalant501(c)(3)Scottsdale, AZ
6Creative Testing Solutions (CTS)501(c)(3)Tempe, AZ
7UPMC Hamot501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
8Seton Hill University (SHU)501(c)(3)Greensburg, PA
9Chatham University501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
10Washington and Jefferson College (W&J)501(c)(3)Washington, PA
...and 48 more Schneider Downs and Co., Inc. not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Schneider Downs and Co., Inc. competitors

Competitors to Schneider Downs and Co., Inc. in the nonprofit sector include Capfinancial Partners, LLC, Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Nixon Peabody, TD Ameritrade Trust Company, Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company, Sei Investments, Vanguard Group, Inc., Sageview Advisory Group, LLC, Premera Blue Cross, and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC.

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