Cause IQ vendor profile

Saville Dodgen and Company

Saville Dodgen and Company is a firm that provides tax accounting, audit accounting, and accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Texas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Saville Dodgen and Company clients are religious organizations, civic and social organizations, amateur sports, youth sports, and recreational services, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $109,939 to $2.4 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Saville Dodgen and Company PLLC; and Saville Dodgen Company.

Primary location:
Dallas, TX
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.2 mil revenue
Median client size:
$256 thou revenue

Saville Dodgen and Company client list

1Trinity Christian Academy (TCA)501(c)(3)Addison, TX
2New Life Ministries501(c)(3)Lake Forest, CA
3Dallas Skyline Juniors Volleyball501(c)(3)Murphy, TX
4Alternative Building Concepts Group501(c)(3)Garland, TX
5The Lunsford Foundation501(c)(3)Dallas, TX
6Sid and Carol Verdoorn Family Foundation501(c)(3)Dallas, TX
7Byrne Family Foundation Trust501(c)(3)Dallas, TX
8San Dieguito Surf Soccer Club501(c)(3)Del Mar, CA
9Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Foundation501(c)(3)Dallas, TX
10The Jordan Spieth Family Foundation501(c)(3)Dallas, TX
...and 74 more Saville Dodgen and Company not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Saville Dodgen and Company competitors

Competitors to Saville Dodgen and Company in the nonprofit sector include Cross Fernandez and Riley LLP, Elgee Rehfeld Mertz LLC, Derrick Stubbs and Stith LLP, Walthall LLP, Macpage LLC, Saxbst LLP, Cottrill Arbutina and Associates, Dicicco Gulman and Company LLP, Heffler Radetich and Saitta LLP, and Shalik Morris and Company LLP.

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