Cause IQ vendor profile

Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP

Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP is a firm that provides tax accounting, audit accounting, and financial advisor to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Pennsylvania (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP clients are assisted living and continuing care retirement communities, grantmaking foundations, and civic and social organizations with revenues ranging from $134,121 to $654,495.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Renisel Kuntz Lesher LLP.

Primary location:
Wyomissing, PA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$10 mil revenue
Median client size:
$478 thou revenue

Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP client list

1Landis Homes501(c)(3)Lititz, PA
2Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation501(c)(3)Harrisburg, PA
3Junior Achievement of Central Pennsylvania501(c)(3)Lancaster, PA
4Deer Meadows Retirement Community (DMRC)501(c)(3)Philadelphia, PA
5Junior Achievement of Berks County501(c)(3)Reading, PA
6The Wolf Foundation501(c)(3)York, PA
7Nativity Child Care Center501(c)(3)Sinking Spring, PA
8Lancaster Junior Barnstormers Baseball Club501(c)(3)Lancaster, PA
9Magaro Foundation501(c)(3)Millerstown, PA
10Poor Shot Hunting Club501(c)(7)Linden, PA
...and 5 more Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP competitors

Competitors to Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP in the nonprofit sector include James Moore and Co PL, Sva Certified Public Accountants, Elgee Rehfeld Mertz LLC, Jones and Roth PC, Bank Of America, Baker Newman and Noyes LLC, Kerber Eck and Braeckel LLP, Eks&h LLLP, Maxwell Locke and Ritter LLP, and Whitley Penn LLP.

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