Cause IQ vendor profile

Petrella Phillips LLP

Petrella Phillips LLP is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Petrella Phillips LLP clients are civic and social organizations, amateur sports, youth sports, and recreational services, professional associations, grantmaking foundations, trade associations, and fire protection with revenues ranging from $64,141 to $861,771.

Primary location:
Rochester, NY
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$380 thou revenue
Median client size:
$118 thou revenue

Petrella Phillips LLP client list

1American College Personnel Association501(c)(3)Washington, DC
2American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees - C0066ny New York County-Munic Emp501(c)(5)Rochester, NY
3National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel501(c)(3)Westford, MA
4Ontario County Humane Society501(c)(3)Canandaigua, NY
5Young Mens Christian Association of Geneva New York501(c)(3)Geneva, NY
6The Young Mens Christian Association of Clifton Springs501(c)(3)Clifton Springs, NY
7Animal Service League501(c)(3)Rochester, NY
8Greece Montessori School501(c)(3)Rochester, NY
9International Union of Elevator Constructors501(c)(5)Rochester, NY
10Loyal Order of Moose - 1130501(c)(8)Dansville, NY
...and 44 more Petrella Phillips LLP not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Petrella Phillips LLP competitors

Competitors to Petrella Phillips LLP in the nonprofit sector include TD&T Financial Group PC, Bgcko LLP, Nonprofits Assistance Fund, Weber - O'Brien Ltd, Kobayashi Kanetoku Doi Lum and Yasuda CPAs, Winter Kloman Moter and Repp SC, Buckley Frame Boudreau and Co PC, Brockman Coats Gedelian and Company, K B Parrish and Co LLP, and Matson and Isom.

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