Cause IQ vendor profile

Peavey and Co CPA's LLP

Peavey and Co CPA's LLP is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York and Pennsylvania (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Peavey and Co CPA's LLP clients are labor unions, radio broadcasting, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, golf courses and country clubs, cemeteries, funeral homes, and death care services, grantmaking foundations, and professional associations with revenues ranging from $75,173 to $279,958.

Primary location:
Port Jervis, NY
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$133 thou revenue
Median client size:
$75 thou revenue

Peavey and Co CPA's LLP client list

1Civil Service Employees Association - 0836 Orange County501(c)(5)Middletown, NY
2American Federation of Teachers - 2937 Port Jervis Teachers Assoc501(c)(5)Milford, PA
3Brandwein-Morholt Trust501(c)(3)Port Jervis, NY
4Harriman Engine Company 1501(c)(3)Harriman, NY
5Empire State Water Well Drillers Association501(c)(6)Goshen, NY
6Sparrowbush Pine Hill Cemetery501(c)(13)Wurtsboro, NY
7Port Jervis Country Club501(c)(7)Port Jervis, NY
8Hudson Valley Public Radio501(c)(3)Port Jervis, NY

Peavey and Co CPA's LLP competitors

Competitors to Peavey and Co CPA's LLP in the nonprofit sector include Nonprofits Assistance Fund, Kobayashi Kanetoku Doi Lum and Yasuda CPAs, Christine E Cassidy PA, Fraternal Accounting Service, Couch and Russell Financial Group, BWTP PC, Drucker and Scaccetti PC, National Tax and Financial Services Inc, FD Thompson and Co PLC, and Lochen and Chase PC.

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