Cause IQ vendor profile

Outreach Calling

Outreach Calling is a firm that provides fundraising services, telemarketing, and professional and technical services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Florida, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Outreach Calling clients are civic and social organizations, social advocacy organizations, professional associations, labor unions, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $152,638 to $805,758.

Primary location:
Reno, NV
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.8 mil revenue
Median client size:
$631 thou revenue

Outreach Calling client list

1Healing Heroes Network501(c)(3)Palm Harbor, FL
2Public Safety Employees Association501(c)(5)Anchorage, AK
3Association for Homeless and Disabled Veterans501(c)(4)Oakton, VA
4Reserve Police Officers Association501(c)(6)Derby, CT
5Disabled Police and Sheriff's Foundation501(c)(3)Ste Genevieve, MO
6American Foundation for Disabled Children501(c)(3)Staten Island, NY
7California Police Activities League (PAL)501(c)(3)Sacramento, CA
8Firefighters Association of the State of Pennsylvania501(c)(8)Erie, PA
9Veterans Assistance Foundation501(c)(3)Tomah, WI
10Pennsylvania Police Assistance Foundation501(c)(3)Philadelphia, PA
...and 4 more Outreach Calling not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Outreach Calling competitors

Competitors to Outreach Calling in the nonprofit sector include Donor Services Group LLC, Royall and Company, Aria Communications Inc, Convergent Nonprofit Solutions LLC, Not Applicable, Cavanaugh and Co LLP, Thompson and Associates, Pennington and Company, Haines and Company, and Map For Nonprofits.

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