Cause IQ vendor profile

Kramer Accountancy Corporation

Kramer Accountancy Corporation is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California, Nevada, and Wisconsin (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Kramer Accountancy Corporation clients are amateur sports, youth sports, and recreational services, civic and social organizations, community housing services, musical groups and artists, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $148,372 to $340,947.

Primary location:
Topanga, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$204 thou revenue
Median client size:
$165 thou revenue

Kramer Accountancy Corporation client list

1Playa Vista Education Group501(c)(3)Marina Del Rey, CA
2The George H Walker Trust Wells Fargo Bank Na Ifs Fiduciary SRV501(c)(3)Las Vegas, NV
3Margaret E Early Medical Research Trust501(c)(3)Glendale, CA
4Topanga Enrichment Programs501(c)(3)Topanga, CA
5Future Leaders of Tomorrow501(c)(3)Milwaukee, WI
6Diversify the Stage Programs501(c)(3)Topanga, CA
7Growing Hope Gardens501(c)(3)Topanga, CA
8Crescenta Valley Glendale Softball Association501(c)(3)Topanga, CA
9Ruth Kern Foundation501(c)(3)Sunland, CA

Kramer Accountancy Corporation competitors

Competitors to Kramer Accountancy Corporation in the nonprofit sector include Mckerley and Noonan PC CPA, Canady Richbourg Woodward LLP, Miller Haviland Ketter PC PA, Kushner Kippelman and Taub PLLC, Greenawalt and Company PC, Polito Eppich Associates LLP, Seth D. Strongin CPA P.C., Troy Reichlein CPA LLC, Haines and Company, and HG&K Ltd.

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