Cause IQ vendor profile

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of The Northwest

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of The Northwest is a firm that provides insurance to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Oregon, California, and Washington (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of The Northwest clients are health and welfare funds and outpatient health care practitioners and facilities with revenues ranging from $19 million to $238 million.

Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$711 mil revenue
Median client size:
$32 mil revenue

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of The Northwest client list

1Portland Art Museum501(c)(3)Portland, OR
2The Nature Conservancy501(c)(3)Arlington, VA
3American Cancer Society (ACS)501(c)(3)Kennesaw, GA
4Western University of Health Sciences501(c)(3)Pomona, CA
5Pacific Maritime Association501(c)(6)San Francisco, CA
6Umass Global501(c)(3)Irvine, CA
7Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP)501(c)(3)Oakland, CA
8Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest501(c)(3)Oakland, CA
9CareOregon501(c)(3)Portland, OR
10The Oregon Community Foundation501(c)(3)Portland, OR
...and 113 more Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of The Northwest not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of The Northwest competitors

Competitors to Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of The Northwest in the nonprofit sector include Morrison Management Specialists, Medica Insurance Company, Reliance Standard, Humana Inc, Cigna Life Insurance Co. Of New York, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA), Cigna Group Insurance, Aetna Health Inc, Dearborn Life Insurance Company, and Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company.

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