Cause IQ vendor profile

Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc.

Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc. is a firm that provides insurance, administrative support, third party administration, audit accounting, and insurance agent or broker to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc. clients are health and welfare funds and hospitals with revenues ranging from $28 million to $279 million.

Primary location:
New York, NY
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$237 mil revenue
Median client size:
$48 mil revenue

Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc. client list

1Columbia University501(c)(3)New York, NY
2Research Foundation of The City University of New York (RFCUNY)501(c)(3)New York, NY
3Young Adult Institute (YAI)501(c)(3)New York, NY
4Central Park Conservancy501(c)(3)New York, NY
5The New Teacher Project501(c)(3)New York, NY
6Nightingale Bamford School501(c)(3)New York, NY
7New York City Ballet501(c)(3)New York, NY
8New York Law School (NYLS)501(c)(3)New York, NY
9Institute of International Education501(c)(3)New York, NY
10North Shore Animal League America501(c)(3)Port Washington, NY
...and 130 more Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc. not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc. competitors

Competitors to Empire Healthchoice Assurance, Inc. in the nonprofit sector include Humana Insurance Company, Great-West Life and Annuity Insurance Co., United Healthcare, Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc, Mutual Of America Life Insurance Company, Nationwide, Marsh and Mclennan Agency, CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services, Wells Fargo Bank, and Global Retirement Partners LLC.

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