Cause IQ vendor profile

Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP

Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP clients are civic and social organizations and environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations with revenues ranging from $9,983 to $760,933.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum&salem.

Primary location:
San Diego, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$139 thou revenue
Median client size:
$22 thou revenue

Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP client list

1San Diego County Junior Golf Association501(c)(3)San Diego, CA
2Rocketdogrescue501(c)(3)San Francisco, CA
3Friends of Jawbone (FOJ)501(c)(3)California City, CA
4Friends of El Mirage501(c)(3)California City, CA
5Fundamaya501(c)(3)San Diego, CA
6Downtown El Cajon Business Partners501(c)(6)El Cajon, CA
7Knights of Columbus - 10981 Mar Toma Council501(c)(8)El Cajon, CA
8San Diego Chapter the Links501(c)(4)San Diego, CA
9Hawkes Home501(c)(3)Encinitas, CA
10California Off Road Vehicle Association501(c)(7)Sacramento, CA
...and 30 more Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP competitors

Competitors to Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP in the nonprofit sector include Sielschott Walsh Keifer and Regula CPAs Inc, Williams and Ribb LLP CPA's, KK Mehta CPA Associates PLLC, Wulstein Financial Services, Berkman Jorgensen Masters and Stafman LLC, R and A Tax and Accounting LLC, Edgar James CPA, Labarr and Labarr LLC, Murphy Murphy and Murphy CPAs Inc, and Peters and Associates CPAs PC.

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