Cause IQ vendor profile

Birnbrey Minsk Minsk and Perling LLC

Birnbrey Minsk Minsk and Perling LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Georgia (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Birnbrey Minsk Minsk and Perling LLC clients are health and disease research fundraising organizations, professional associations, amateur sports, youth sports, and recreational services, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $8,642 to $579,506.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Birnbrey, Minsk, Minsk and Perling; and Birnbrey Minsk Minsk Perling LLC.

Primary location:
Atlanta, GA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$679 thou revenue
Median client size:
$36 thou revenue

Birnbrey Minsk Minsk and Perling LLC client list

1Torah Day School of Atlanta (TDSA)501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA
2International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAML)501(c)(6)Bethesda, MD
3Deitrich Family Foundation501(c)(3)Neenah, WI
4Communications Workers of America - 3204 Cwa501(c)(5)Atlanta, GA
5Luci and Stan Sunshine Family Foundation501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA
6Soul Changers Recovery Foundation501(c)(3)Austell, GA
7The Orange Duffel Bag Initiative501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA
8Environment News Trust501(c)(3)Charlotte, NC
9Alpha Rho House Corporation of Phi Kappa Tau501(c)(2)Atlanta, GA
10Atlanta Youth Lacrosse501(c)(3)Roswell, GA
...and 35 more Birnbrey Minsk Minsk and Perling LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Birnbrey Minsk Minsk and Perling LLC competitors

Competitors to Birnbrey Minsk Minsk and Perling LLC in the nonprofit sector include Kolder Champagne Slaven and Company, LTJ Tax Associates Inc., Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC, Edward T Heylin CPA, Teipen Selanders Poynter and Ayres PC, Justin Clasen and Company Ltd, Wittlin Cain and Dry LLP, Burgess Schultz and Robb PC, Smith Watson and Co LLP, and Pritchett Dlusky Saxe and Keller Ltd.

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