Cause IQ vendor profile

Arcara Zucarelli Lenda and Associates CPA's PC

Arcara Zucarelli Lenda and Associates CPA's PC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Arcara Zucarelli Lenda and Associates CPA's PC clients are labor unions, grantmaking foundations, and real estate services with revenues ranging from $31,502 to $2.1 million.

Primary location:
Williamsville, NY
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$925 thou revenue
Median client size:
$335 thou revenue

Arcara Zucarelli Lenda and Associates CPA's PC client list

1International Union of Operating Engineers Local 17501(c)(5)Lake View, NY
2International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 264501(c)(5)Cheektowaga, NY
3Lancaster Country Club501(c)(7)Lancaster, NY
4United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers - John Bernas501(c)(5)West Seneca, NY
5International Association of Bridge Structural Iron Workers 6501(c)(5)West Seneca, NY
6BCTGM International Union - 36G501(c)(5)Buffalo, NY
7The Carol J Adragna Family Foundation501(c)(3)Depew, NY
8Upstate New York Construction Industry Research and Service TR Fund501(c)(5)Lake View, NY
9International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers - 4 Awia501(c)(5)Buffalo, NY
10The New York Foundation for Fair Contracting501(c)(5)Lake View, NY
...and 17 more Arcara Zucarelli Lenda and Associates CPA's PC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Arcara Zucarelli Lenda and Associates CPA's PC competitors

Competitors to Arcara Zucarelli Lenda and Associates CPA's PC in the nonprofit sector include Grubman Anand PC, Mahlum Goodhart PC, Otis Atw E LL, Hughes Welch and Milligancpasltd, Manger and Company, Bellenfant and Miles PLLC, Hamilton Pyle and Bowman LLP, Rubian Moss CPA, Cross Fernandez and Riley LLP, and Manger and Associates CPAs PC.

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