Cause IQ vendor profile

Zaremba Paxton PS

Zaremba Paxton PS is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Washington (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Zaremba Paxton PS clients are religious organizations, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, child and youth services, musical groups and artists, promoters of performing arts, sports, and similar events, grantmaking foundations, and environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations with revenues ranging from $41,731 to $232,250.

Primary location:
Bellingham, WA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$109 thou revenue
Median client size:
$101 thou revenue

Zaremba Paxton PS client list

1International Cornerstone Ministries501(c)(3)Bellingham, WA
2Light of the World Prayer Center501(c)(3)Bellingham, WA
3Institute for Emergency Medical Ed501(c)(3)Bellingham, WA
4Children First Family Services501(c)(3)Mount Vernon, WA
5Northwest Conference League501(c)(3)Blaine, WA
6Geneva Parent Teacher Association501(c)(3)Bellingham, WA
7Eleanor Anne Bustanoby-Keane Foundation501(c)(3)Bellingham, WA
8Acme Coyote501(c)(3)Acme, WA
9Washington State Seniors Golfers Association501(c)(7)Bellingham, WA
10Northwest Youth Symphony Association501(c)(3)Bellingham, WA
...and 1 more Zaremba Paxton PS not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Zaremba Paxton PS competitors

Competitors to Zaremba Paxton PS in the nonprofit sector include RLH CPAs and Business Advisors LLC, Romberger Wilson and Beeson Inc, Byeman and Cleary CPAs, Hinricher Douglas and Porter LLP, HSMC Orizon LLC, LTJ Tax Associates Inc., Mayer Rispler and Co CPAs PC, Greenwood Ohlund and Co LLP CPA's, David R Ramos CPA, and Stefforia Petik and Associates PC.

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