Cause IQ vendor profile

Toni L Ladnier CPA LLC

Toni L Ladnier CPA LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Louisiana (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Toni L Ladnier CPA LLC clients are civic and social organizations, museums, historical sites, and similar institutions, telecommunications, golf courses and country clubs, environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations, fire protection, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $57,259 to $177,291.

Primary location:
St Francisville, LA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$95 thou revenue
Median client size:
$71 thou revenue

Toni L Ladnier CPA LLC client list

1LSP Museum Foundation501(c)(3)Angola, LA
2Old Miss Hunting Club501(c)(7)New Roads, LA
3Girls on the Run South Louisiana501(c)(3)Baton Rouge, LA
4West Feliciana Animal Humane Society501(c)(3)Saint Francisville, LA
5Audubon Lakes Foundation501(c)(3)St Francisville, LA
6West Feliciana Historical Society501(c)(3)Saint Francisville, LA
7St Francisville Area Foundation501(c)(3)St Francisville, LA
8West Feliciana Diamond Backers Club501(c)(3)Saint Francisville, LA
9Julius Freyhan Foundation501(c)(3)Saint Francisville, LA
10Friends of Rosedown501(c)(3)St Francisville, LA
...and 5 more Toni L Ladnier CPA LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Toni L Ladnier CPA LLC competitors

Competitors to Toni L Ladnier CPA LLC in the nonprofit sector include Bgcko LLP, Nonprofits Assistance Fund, Kobayashi Kanetoku Doi Lum and Yasuda CPAs, Fraternal Accounting Service, Couch and Russell Financial Group, BWTP PC, CPA Group Of Laramie LLC, FD Thompson and Co PLC, Clay Millias and Co LLP, and Collier Heggerness and Bronk CPAs PS Inc.

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