Cause IQ vendor profile

Standard Retirement Services, Inc.

Standard Retirement Services, Inc. is a firm that provides actuarial services and professional and technical services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Texas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Standard Retirement Services, Inc. clients are credit unions with revenues ranging from $9.1 million to $132 million.

Primary location:
Portland, OR
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$61 mil revenue
Median client size:
$26 mil revenue

Standard Retirement Services, Inc. client list

1Allied Employers501(c)(6)Kirkland, WA
2Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art501(c)(3)Chadds Ford, PA
3Community Resources Staten Island501(c)(3)Staten Island, NY
42life Communities Services (JCHE)501(c)(3)Brighton, MA
5Handi-Crafters501(c)(3)Thorndale, PA
6Sabes Jewish Community Center / Jewish Community Center of Greater Minneapolis (Sabes JCC)501(c)(3)Minneapolis, MN
7Idaho Central Credit Union501(c)(14)Pocatello, ID
8Navy Army Community Credit Union501(c)(14)Corpus Christi, TX
9Star One Credit Union501(c)(14)Sunnyvale, CA
10EECU Credit Union (EECU)501(c)(14)Fort Worth, TX
...and 22 more Standard Retirement Services, Inc. not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Standard Retirement Services, Inc. competitors

Competitors to Standard Retirement Services, Inc. in the nonprofit sector include Matrix Trust Company, Benesys Inc, John Hancock, Capfinancial Partners, LLC, Segal Consulting, Cheiron, Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan, Segal Company, Milliman Inc, and Buck Global LLC.

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