Cause IQ vendor profile

Segal Rogerscasey

Segal Rogerscasey is a firm that provides financial advisor, fiduciary trustee, consulting services, investment management, and actuarial services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Rhode Island, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Segal Rogerscasey clients are health and welfare funds, legal services, grantmaking foundations, and trade associations with revenues ranging from $2.7 million to $60 million.

Primary location:
Boston, MA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$30 mil revenue
Median client size:
$16 mil revenue

Segal Rogerscasey client list

1Wyncote Foundation501(c)(3)Philadelphia, PA
2American Bakers Association (ABA)501(c)(6)Washington, DC
3Board Of Trustees Drywall Tapers501(c)(9)Long Island City, NY
4International Union of Operating Engineers Local 57501(c)(9)Johnston, RI
54th District IBEW Health Fund501(c)(9)Ona, WV
6Painting Industry of Hawaii Reserve Benefit Trust Fund501(c)(9)Honolulu, HI
7Rhode Island Laborers Legal501(c)(9)Cranston, RI
8Connecticut Carpenters Health Fund501(c)(9)Hamden, CT

Segal Rogerscasey competitors

Competitors to Segal Rogerscasey in the nonprofit sector include Sei Investments, Minnesota Life Insurance Company, Segal Marco Advisors, Usi Consulting Group, Comerica Bank, John Hancock, Cigna Health and Life Insurance, TIAA, Newport Group, Inc., and Bank Of New York Mellon.

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