Cause IQ vendor profile

Puzo and Mortenson LLC

Puzo and Mortenson LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New Jersey and North Carolina (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Puzo and Mortenson LLC clients are civic and social organizations, golf courses and country clubs, fire protection, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $61,571 to $262,113.

Primary location:
Kenilworth, NJ
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$264 thou revenue
Median client size:
$77 thou revenue

Puzo and Mortenson LLC client list

1Morristown Field Club501(c)(7)Madison, NJ
2Columbian Club of Garwood- Cranford501(c)(7)Garwood, NJ
3Cullen Family Foundation501(c)(3)Stone Harbor, NJ
4New Jersey State Firemen's Association - Kenilworth501(c)(4)Kenilworth, NJ
5The Family School Association of the Ethical Community Charter School501(c)(3)Jersey City, NJ
6Lewis M Gabbe Foundation501(c)(3)Brielle, NJ
7The Byrne Foundation501(c)(3)Cary, NC

Puzo and Mortenson LLC competitors

Competitors to Puzo and Mortenson LLC in the nonprofit sector include RLH CPAs and Business Advisors LLC, Albrecht Viggiano Zureck and Co PC, Tibbitts and Associates PLC, Williams Crow Mask LLP, Pritchett Dlusky Saxe and Keller Ltd, Moorhead Patterson and Company PC, Gold Gerstein Group LLC, Lenahan Smith and Bargiachi PC, Detweiler Hershey and Associates PC, and Christensen King PC.

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