Cause IQ vendor profile


One is a firm that provides professional and technical services and tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Florida and Texas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most One clients are religious organizations, real estate services, elementary and secondary schools, individual and family services, emergency and relief services, other performing arts companies, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $21,565 to $1.4 million.

Primary location:
Fort, TX
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.1 mil revenue
Median client size:
$154 thou revenue

One client list

1Lifesitenewscom501(c)(3)Front Royal, VA
2The Oscar Rennebohm Foundation501(c)(3)Madison, WI
3American Foundation for Wildlife501(c)(3)Bismarck, ND
4Chosen Generation Christian Academy501(c)(3)Kissimmee, FL
5South River Youth Athletics501(c)(3)Edgewater, MD
6Scandanavian Consortium for Organizational Research501(c)(3)Stanford, CA
7Rockwall-Heath Hawks.501(c)(3)Heath, TX
8Hope House501(c)(3)New Orleans, LA
9Mother Theresa Catholic Education Foundation501(c)(3)FT Pierce, FL
10Cen-Tex Hispanic Chamber of Commerce501(c)(6)Waco, TX
...and 15 more One not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

One competitors

Competitors to One in the nonprofit sector include SunTrust Bank, Toal Griffith Ragula LLC, Good and Fowler LLP, Carbis Walker LLP, Keegan Linscott and Kenon PC, Mueller Prost LC, Altruic Advisors PLLC, Omega Financial Inc, Drinker Biddle and Reath LLP, and Mader Tschacher Peterson and Co LLC.

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