Cause IQ vendor profile

Michael S Coffman CPA PC

Michael S Coffman CPA PC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Illinois (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Michael S Coffman CPA PC clients are civic and social organizations, religious organizations, labor unions, and museums, historical sites, and similar institutions with revenues ranging from $79,954 to $264,421.

Primary location:
Decatur, IL
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$390 thou revenue
Median client size:
$99 thou revenue

Michael S Coffman CPA PC client list

1Good Samaritan Inn501(c)(3)Decatur, IL
2VFW Dept of Illinois - 99 Oren L Davis Post501(c)(4)Decatur, IL
3IGBY International Ministries501(c)(3)Decatur, IL
4Disabled American Veterans / Department of Illinois501(c)(4)Springfield, IL
5American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees - L0632il Decatur Correctional Ctr Em501(c)(5)Decatur, IL
6Haiti Pastor Training Mission501(c)(3)Lake Villa, IL
7Castle Williams Post No 105 the American Legion501(c)(19)Decatur, IL
8American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees501(c)(5)Blue Mound, IL
9Camp One Way501(c)(3)Mount Pulaski, IL
10Forsyth Youth League501(c)(3)Forsyth, IL
...and 14 more Michael S Coffman CPA PC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Michael S Coffman CPA PC competitors

Competitors to Michael S Coffman CPA PC in the nonprofit sector include Schoonover Boyer Associates, Hecht and Company PC, Friedberg Smith and Co PC, Lynch Malloy Marini LLP, Bowling Franklin and Collp, Carlson Highland and Co LLP, Hendershot Burkhardt and Associates, Dechants Fuglein and Johnson LLP, Elliott Dozier and Helland PC, and Long Chilton LLP.

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