Cause IQ vendor profile

Mcdonough CPA Solutions PA

Mcdonough CPA Solutions PA is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Florida (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Mcdonough CPA Solutions PA clients are elementary and secondary schools, grantmaking foundations, and environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations with revenues ranging from $620,824 to $7.4 million.

Primary location:
Merritt Island, FL
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$2.5 mil revenue
Median client size:
$1.1 mil revenue

Mcdonough CPA Solutions PA client list

1Liza Jackson Preparatory School in501(c)(3)Fort Walton Beach, FL
2Pineapple Cove Classical Academy501(c)(3)Palm Bay, FL
3Pineapple Cove Classical Academy at West Melbourne501(c)(3)Melbourne, FL
4Brevard Innovative Charter Schools501(c)(3)Titusville, FL
5Center for Nonviolent Communication501(c)(3)Austin, TX
6Melbourne Regional Chamber of East Central Florida501(c)(6)Melbourne, FL
7Palm Bay Academy501(c)(3)Palm Bay, FL
8Royal Palm Charter School501(c)(3)Palm Bay, FL
9Okaloosa Academy501(c)(3)Miramar Beach, FL
10Championship Academy of Distinction K-8501(c)(3)Sunrise, FL
...and 15 more Mcdonough CPA Solutions PA not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Mcdonough CPA Solutions PA competitors

Competitors to Mcdonough CPA Solutions PA in the nonprofit sector include William Steele and Associates PC, Mahlum Goodhart PC, Otis Atw E LL, Hughes Welch and Milligancpasltd, Manger and Company, Lautze and Lautze, Mcquade Brennan LLP, Hamilton Pyle and Bowman LLP, Rubian Moss CPA, and Cross Fernandez and Riley LLP.

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