Cause IQ vendor profile

Lindquist LLP

Lindquist LLP is a firm that provides tax accounting, audit accounting, and third party administration to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California, Oregon, and Washington (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Lindquist LLP clients are health and welfare funds and labor unions with revenues ranging from $2.8 million to $124 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Lindquist CPAs LLP; Lindquist LLC; Lindquist CPA; and Lindquist.

Primary location:
San Ramon, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$41 mil revenue
Median client size:
$3.0 mil revenue

Lindquist LLP client list

1Industrial Employers and Distributors Association501(c)(6)Emeryville, CA
2Covia Affordable Communities501(c)(3)Walnut Creek, CA
3Covia Communities (ESC)501(c)(3)Glendale, CA
4East Bay Innovations (EBI)501(c)(3)San Leandro, CA
5Central States SE and SW Areas Health and Welfare Fund501(c)(9)Chicago, IL
6California Service Employees Health and Welfare Trust Fund501(c)(9)Brisbane, CA
7Los Angeles County Fire Fighters Local 1014 Health and Welfare Plan501(c)(9)El Monte, CA
8Automotive Industries Welfare Fund501(c)(9)Dublin, CA
9UA Local 38 Health & Welfare Trust FD OF SF Marin Sonoma LaKE & MENDO COUNTIES501(c)(9)San Francisco, CA
10Sup Welfare Plan501(c)(9)San Francisco, CA
...and 102 more Lindquist LLP not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Lindquist LLP competitors

Competitors to Lindquist LLP in the nonprofit sector include Fust Charles Chambers LLP, Thomas Howell Ferguson PA, Maxwell Locke and Ritter LLP, Bmo Harris Bank Na, Arnett Carbis Toothman LLP, PNC Bank, Nixon Peabody, PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, and Jones and Roth PC.

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