Cause IQ vendor profile

Lightheart Sanders

Lightheart Sanders is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Mississippi, South Carolina, and Nevada (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Lightheart Sanders clients are civic and social organizations, elementary and secondary schools, grantmaking foundations, and social advocacy organizations with revenues ranging from $264,752 to $2.6 million.

Primary location:
Madison, MS
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$898 thou revenue
Median client size:
$467 thou revenue

Lightheart Sanders client list

1Expertise Expertise Cosmetology Institute501(c)(3)Las Vegas, NV
2Clinton Christian Academy501(c)(3)Clinton, MS
3Canton Academic Foundation501(c)(3)Canton, MS
4The Lighthouse Black Girl Project501(c)(3)Jackson, MS
5East Berkeley Fire501(c)(3)Bonneau, SC
6Essie B and William Earl Glenn Foundation for Better Living501(c)(3)Madison, MS
7Bridges for End-Of-Life501(c)(3)North Charleston, SC
8Mavs Booster Club501(c)(3)Madison, MS
9Expertise Support Development501(c)(3)Las Vegas, NV
10Madison County Chamber of Commerce501(c)(6)Madison, MS
...and 5 more Lightheart Sanders not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Lightheart Sanders competitors

Competitors to Lightheart Sanders in the nonprofit sector include Bedinger and Company, Schoonover Boyer Associates, Battelle Rippe Kingston LLP, Franke and Turnbull CPA's, Lublinsussman Group LLP, Mckerley and Noonan PC CPA, Batchelor Frechette Mccrory Michael and Company, NSBN LLP, BCRS Associates LLC, and Hecht and Company PC.

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