Cause IQ vendor profile

Lexington Tax Services

Lexington Tax Services is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Lexington Tax Services clients are civic and social organizations and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $22,009 to $236,625.

Primary location:
Garden City, NY
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$313 thou revenue
Median client size:
$24 thou revenue

Lexington Tax Services client list

1Adikes Fam Foundation501(c)(3)Garden City, NY
2Kidz Dreamz Klub501(c)(3)Lexington, NC
3William A Hagan JR Foundation501(c)(3)Garden City, NY
4The David Mduffy JR Foundation501(c)(3)Garden City, NY
5Thomas E Sullivan and Barbara A Sullivan Foundation501(c)(3)Garden City, NY
6The Edward and Juanita Henson Foundation501(c)(3)Garden City, NY
7The Mahoney Family Foundation / Richard F Mahoney Etal Ttee501(c)(3)Garden City, NY
8The Elias Wollerstein and Harriet Wollerstein Foundation501(c)(3)Port Saint Lucie, FL
9The Mary F Smith Family Foundation501(c)(3)Smithtown, NY
10The Blaine Family Foundation501(c)(3)Bellmore, NY
...and 3 more Lexington Tax Services not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Lexington Tax Services competitors

Competitors to Lexington Tax Services in the nonprofit sector include Sielschott Walsh Keifer and Regula CPAs Inc, Cain Bourret Jarry and Associates LLC, Williams and Ribb LLP CPA's, Wulstein Financial Services, Berkman Jorgensen Masters and Stafman LLC, Cashuk Wiseman Goldberg Birnbaum and Salem LLP, R and A Tax and Accounting LLC, Arman Chowdhury CPA PC, Edgar James CPA, and Burdick and Pearson CPA's PLLC.

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