Cause IQ vendor profile

JP Morgan Chase Bank N.a.

JP Morgan Chase Bank N.a. is a firm that provides investment management, fiduciary trustee, commercial bank, financial advisor, and outsourced management to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York and Michigan (although they are present in other states as well).

Most JP Morgan Chase Bank N.a. clients are colleges, universities, and professional schools, health and welfare funds, hospitals, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $43 million to $1.1 billion.

Primary location:
Columbus, OH
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$588 mil revenue
Median client size:
$135 mil revenue

JP Morgan Chase Bank N.a. client list

1American Jewish Committee (AJC)501(c)(3)New York, NY
2San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance501(c)(3)San Diego, CA
3American Bankers Association (ABA)501(c)(6)Washington, DC
4Northeastern University (NU)501(c)(3)Boston, MA
5Drexel University501(c)(3)Philadelphia, PA
6Newyork-Presbyterianbrooklyn Methodist (NYM)501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
7Uja-Federation of New York501(c)(3)New York, NY
8Teachers College Columbia University (TC)501(c)(3)New York, NY
9Dartmouth College501(c)(3)Hanover, NH
10McLaren Health Care501(c)(3)Grand Blanc, MI
...and 17 more JP Morgan Chase Bank N.a. not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

JP Morgan Chase Bank N.a. competitors

Competitors to JP Morgan Chase Bank N.a. in the nonprofit sector include Sei Investments, Sei, State Street Global Advisors, Prudential, Eagle Capital Management LLC, State Street Bank and Trust, Wellington Trust Company, Capfinancial Partners, LLC, Bank Of New York Mellon, and Charles Schwab Bank.

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