Cause IQ vendor profile

Invesco Distributors, Inc.

Invesco Distributors, Inc. is a firm that provides investment management to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York, Massachusetts, and Texas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Invesco Distributors, Inc. clients are civic and social organizations, child and youth services, services for the elderly and people with disabilities, and vocational rehabilitation services with revenues ranging from $11 million to $79 million.

Primary location:
Atlanta, GA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$37 mil revenue
Median client size:
$18 mil revenue

Invesco Distributors, Inc. client list

1Early Learning Indiana (ELI)501(c)(3)Indianapolis, IN
2New England Aquarium501(c)(3)Boston, MA
3Morningside Ministries501(c)(3)San Antonio, TX
4Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula501(c)(3)Menlo Park, CA
5Humane Rescue Alliance501(c)(3)Washington, DC
6Ability Connection Texas (ACT)501(c)(3)Dallas, TX
7El Puente de Williamsburg501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
8Brooklyn Prospect Charter School (BPCS)501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
9Children's Services of Roxbury (CSR)501(c)(3)Roxbury, MA
10On Your Mark501(c)(3)Staten Island, NY
...and 25 more Invesco Distributors, Inc. not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Invesco Distributors, Inc. competitors

Competitors to Invesco Distributors, Inc. in the nonprofit sector include Ropes and Gray LLP, Manning and Napier, M&T Bank, Goldman Sachs and Company, Comerica Bank, RBC Wealth Management, Cambridge Associates LLC, Ballard Spahr LLP, Carr Riggs and Ingram, LLC, and Great West Life and Annuity Company.

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