Cause IQ vendor profile

Empower Retirement

Empower Retirement is a firm that provides actuarial services, investment management, insurance, administrative support, and third party administration to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Pennsylvania, Washington, Florida, New Jersey, New York, and West Virginia (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Empower Retirement clients are hospitals, inpatient nursing, hospice, and rehabilitative care facilities, credit unions, community housing services, religious organizations, and labor unions with revenues ranging from $14 million to $903 million.

Primary location:
Denver, CO
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$321 mil revenue
Median client size:
$42 mil revenue

Empower Retirement client list

1Overlake Medical Center501(c)(3)Bellevue, WA
2Presbyterian SeniorCare501(c)(3)Oakmont, PA
3West Virginia University Hospitals (WVUH)501(c)(3)Morgantown, WV
4Metropolitan Ministries501(c)(3)Tampa, FL
5Central Jersey Family Health Consortium501(c)(3)North Brunswick, NJ
6Qualstar Credit Union501(c)(14)Bothell, WA
7Vincentian Collaborative System (VCS)501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
8Marian Manor Corporation501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
9International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers - Insulation on Heat and Frost501(c)(5)Schenectady, NY

Empower Retirement competitors

Competitors to Empower Retirement in the nonprofit sector include Great West Life and Annuity Company, Marsh and Mclennan Agency, Usi Consulting Group, Minnesota Life Insurance Company, Transamerica, CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services, CMFG Life Insurance Company, Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company, Willis Towers Watson, and Cigna Health and Life Insurance.

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