Cause IQ vendor profile

Eclinicalworks LLC

Eclinicalworks LLC is a company that provides IT and computer services to nonprofit customers. They primarily provide their products regionally, with most customers in New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Eclinicalworks LLC customers are outpatient health care practitioners and facilities and hospitals with revenues ranging from $19 million to $107 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Eclinical Works.

Primary location:
Boston, MA
All locations:
Identified customers:
Avg customer size:
$63 mil revenue
Median customer size:
$29 mil revenue

Eclinicalworks LLC customer list

1Communicare Health Centers / Barrio Comprehensive Family Health Care Center Inc501(c)(3)San Antonio, TX
2Morris Heights Health Center (MHHC)501(c)(3)Bronx, NY
3St John's Community Health (SJWCFC)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
4Oda Primary Health Care Network501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
5HealthNet501(c)(3)Indianapolis, IN
6Variety Care501(c)(3)Oklahoma City, OK
7Ryan Health501(c)(3)New York, NY
8Open Door Family Medical Centers501(c)(3)Ossining, NY
9Philadelphia FIGHT501(c)(3)Philadelphia, PA
10Zufall Health Center501(c)(3)Dover, NJ
...and 96 more Eclinicalworks LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt customers identified by Cause IQ

Eclinicalworks LLC competitors

Competitors to Eclinicalworks LLC in the nonprofit sector include Digital Insight, Workday Inc, Veracross LLC, Life Care Services LLC, Nisc, CDW, Q2 Software Inc, American Express, Personify Inc, and Allscripts.

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