Cause IQ vendor profile

Connecticare, Inc

Connecticare, Inc is a firm that provides insurance to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Connecticut (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Connecticare, Inc clients are elementary and secondary schools, hospitals, colleges, universities, and professional schools, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities, residential mental health and substance abuse facilities, and individual and family services with revenues ranging from $34 million to $95 million.

Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.3 bil revenue
Median client size:
$34 mil revenue

Connecticare, Inc client list

1Oak Hill / The Connecticut Institute for the Blind Inc501(c)(3)Hartford, CT
2Church Homes (CHI)501(c)(3)Hartford, CT
3Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation (YNHHS)501(c)(3)New Haven, CT
4The Charlotte Hungerford Hospital501(c)(3)Torrington, CT
5Greenwich Country Day School (GCDS)501(c)(3)Greenwich, CT
6Greenwich Academy501(c)(3)Greenwich, CT
7Hopkins School501(c)(3)New Haven, CT
8Greens Farms Academy (GFA)501(c)(3)Greens Farms, CT
9Sea Research Foundation501(c)(3)Mystic, CT
10King School501(c)(3)Stamford, CT
...and 14 more Connecticare, Inc not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Connecticare, Inc competitors

Competitors to Connecticare, Inc in the nonprofit sector include National Union Fire Insurance Company Of Pittsburgh, PA, United Healthcare Of California, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of Washington Options Inc, National Guardian Life Insurance Company, Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Massachusetts, Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Tennessee, Inc., Dearborn National Life Insurance Company, Continental American Insurance Company, Edgewood Partners Insurance Center, and Unknown.

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