Cause IQ vendor profile

Coby P Reece PLLC CPA

Coby P Reece PLLC CPA is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Texas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Coby P Reece PLLC CPA clients are civic and social organizations with revenues ranging from $16,667 to $174,077.

Primary location:
Fort Worth, TX
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$176 thou revenue
Median client size:
$26 thou revenue

Coby P Reece PLLC CPA client list

1The Bishop Enrique San Pedro Ozanam Center501(c)(3)Brownsville, TX
2Discovery Training Ministries Texas501(c)(3)Dallas, TX
3Firemen's Relief Association501(c)(9)Fort Worth, TX
418ten Ministries501(c)(3)Dripping Springs, TX
5Celina Education Foundation501(c)(3)Celina, TX
6Texas VFW - 2137 Eagle Mountain Memorial501(c)(19)Azle, TX
7Texas VFW - VFW Post 6111501(c)(19)Arlington, TX
8Texas VFW - 8785 Hollis M Boone Memorial501(c)(19)Mesquite, TX
9Branch Volunteer Fire Department501(c)(3)Princeton, TX
10Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us Dept of Texas Auxiliary - 8785 Hollis M Boone Memorial VFW501(c)(4)Mesquite, TX
...and 66 more Coby P Reece PLLC CPA not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Coby P Reece PLLC CPA competitors

Competitors to Coby P Reece PLLC CPA in the nonprofit sector include Michael P Senadenos CPA, Temen Kaiser and Cameron CPAs LLP, Sforza and Walker Inc, Markowitz Fenelon and Bank LLP, Yi Accounting Inc, Midamerica Admin and Ret Solutions, Nussbaum Berg Klein and Wolpow CPAs LLP, Thomson Reuters Tax and Accounting, Jeroyaf Accounting Group, and Wahl Willemse and Wilson LLP CPAs.

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