Cause IQ vendor profile

CBIZ Cottonwood

CBIZ Cottonwood is a firm that provides actuarial services and third party administration to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Missouri (although they are present in other states as well).

Most CBIZ Cottonwood clients are civic and social organizations and trade associations with revenues ranging from $704,691 to $5.2 million.

Primary location:
Overland Park, KS
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$97 mil revenue
Median client size:
$1.2 mil revenue

CBIZ Cottonwood client list

1American Bakers Association (ABA)501(c)(6)Washington, DC
2Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United S Tates Auxiliary501(c)(19)Kansas City, MO
3Missouri Farm Bureau Federation501(c)(5)Jefferson City, MO
4Kansas Association of School Boards501(c)(4)Topeka, KS
5VFW Department of Washington - Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States501(c)(19)Fife, WA
6Ohio VFW501(c)(19)Columbus, OH
7VFW Department of Florida - Vfw-Fla501(c)(19)Ocala, FL
8Veterans of Foreign Wars Dept of MN501(c)(19)Saint Paul, MN
9VFW Missouri - Paul E Connors501(c)(19)Blue Springs, MO
10Department of Illinois Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Us501(c)(19)Springfield, IL
...and 10 more CBIZ Cottonwood not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

CBIZ Cottonwood competitors

Competitors to CBIZ Cottonwood in the nonprofit sector include Towers Watson Delaware, Inc., Benesys Inc, Silchester International Investors Ltd, Transamerica, Towers Watson, Segal Consulting, Minnesota Life Insurance Company, Buck Global LLC, Summit Financial Group, and Aon Hewitt.

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