Cause IQ vendor profile

CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Service

CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Service is a firm that provides insurance agent or broker, actuarial services, third party administration, financial advisor, and administrative support to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Maryland, Ohio, and Georgia (although they are present in other states as well).

Most CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Service clients are colleges, universities, and professional schools, hospitals, elementary and secondary schools, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities, community housing services, and health and disease research fundraising organizations with revenues ranging from $39 million to $239 million.

Primary location:
Cincinnati, OH
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$116 mil revenue
Median client size:
$39 mil revenue

CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Service client list

1Service Coordination501(c)(3)Frederick, MD
2KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA
3Maryland School for the Blind (MSB)501(c)(3)Baltimore, MD
4Lake Erie College (LEC)501(c)(3)Painesville, OH
5Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley (IHC)501(c)(3)San Jose, CA
6OhioHealth O'Bleness Hospital501(c)(3)Athens, OH
7Foundation for Atlanta Veterans Education and Research (AREF)501(c)(3)Decatur, GA
8Mount Carmel Health System501(c)(3)Columbus, OH
9Dominican University501(c)(3)River Forest, IL
10United Association - 489 PPF501(c)(5)Cumberland, MD

CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Service competitors

Competitors to CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Service in the nonprofit sector include Aon Hewitt, Towers Watson, Buck Global LLC, Minnesota Life Insurance Company, Conduent HR Consulting, LLC, The Benecon Group, Inc., Cigna Health and Life Insurance, Willis Towers Watson, Usi Consulting Group, and Alliant Insurance Services, Inc..

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