Cause IQ vendor profile

Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC

Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC clients are grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $5,000 to $297,147.

Primary location:
Brooklyn, NY
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$117 thou revenue
Median client size:
$36 thou revenue

Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC client list

1Ani Mamin Foundation501(c)(3)Spring Valley, NY
2Feed Israel Foundation501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
3Es Foundation501(c)(3)Roslyn, NY
4American Friends of Mosdos Bet Shemesh501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
5B & G Silberstein Foundation501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
6Zaka Tel-Aviv501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
7Zoireiya Vkotzer501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
8Blum Foundation501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
9MSBM Foundation501(c)(3)Brooklyn, NY
10Keren Yeshaya Foundation501(c)(3)Monsey, NY
...and 191 more Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC competitors

Competitors to Aron Hirschfeld CPA PC in the nonprofit sector include Grubman Anand PC, Allen M Arakaki CPA Inc, Cain Bourret Jarry and Associates LLC, Mcenerney Brady and Company LLC, Reid CPAs LLP, Leshkowitz and Company LLP, David A Turk CPA LLC, Broussard Poche LLP, Whaley Hammonds Tomasello PC, and Harden Cummins Moss and Miller LLC.

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