Program areas at Oregon Humane Society
Sheltering and adoptions - ohs merged with willamette Humane Society on july 1, 2022. This expanded ohs's ability to provide services to more animals and their humans in Oregon, the pacific northwest and other areas of the country. In 2023, ohs placed 11,595 pets into new families. The animals that found new homes constitute an overall 97% save rate. Through the second chance program, ohs saves more lives by accepting animals from shelters and animal control agencies in Oregon, California, Washington, Texas, Hawaii, new mexico and Louisiana. Continued on schedule o.many of these shelters are often overwhelmed by too many abandoned animals and too few adopters. In 2023, 6,083 animals were accepted from 59 release rates for 2023ohs uses live release rate (lrr) to track the outcome of animals that are brought into its shelters. The lrr accurately reflects the many options for pets that come to the shelter in addition to adoptions - for example, animal transfers to other rescue organizations and animals that are returned to their owners. The lrr does not include end-of-life services. * ohs saved a total of 11,595 animals * ohs saved 3,223 dogs * ohs saved 8,123 cats * ohs saved 249 small animals * ohs portland campus live release rate 98%* ohs salem campus live release rate 95%length of stay for 2023ohs calculates the average length of stay ("los") by including the day of arrival through the day of disposition (adoption, transfer, euthanasia or return to owner). The los reflects the entirety of the time the animal was in the care of the organization, including stray animal holding periods, time in foster care, behavioral rehabilitation, and protective custody in criminal cases. * portland campus - dog los averaged 18.3 days (puppies averaged 12.3 days) and cat los averaged 20.1 days (kittens averaged 18.3 days)* salem campus - dog los averaged 11.8 days (puppies averaged 9.3 days) and cat los averaged 14.5 days (kittens averaged 17.6 days)adoption outreachbringing pets out into the community for adoption is another way that ohs maintains a high save rate. A total of 451 animals found homes directly through our outreach programs.medical services (shelter-owned pets and pets from other rescue groups)during the year ended december 31, 2023, ohs performed 7,409 surgeries in the holman animal medical learning center (the "amlc") on the portland campus, including 6,833 spay and neuter surgeries and 576 other essential and emergency surgeries. In addition, the amlc provided 10,575 medical exams for pets, and helped train 91 Oregon state university veterinary students. On the salem campus, ohs performed 6,251 surgeries for shelter pets, community pets and pets from other rescue friends' cornerohs operates a retail store located in the lobby of the portland shelter. The store stocks a variety of goods that a new adopter may need to make their new pet feel at home. It also has numerous training books and tools to improve pet and owner behavior and to keep the animal in the 2023:* gross sales: $373,385* net loss: $75,338* percentage of overall sales attributed to new adopter sales: 49%volunteersohs's volunteer team changes the world for each dog, cat, rabbit, rodent, or bird they helped on a daily basis. Ohs's volunteers make our work possible and the lives of our animals and team better through so many kind and compassionate actions, from offering daily walks, acclimating animals to humans, getting animals settled in the shelter to providing a helping hand to our team. Foster care has contributed significant time to ohs's volunteer hours. Donating 285,135 hours of service to all programs offered at ohs in 2023, volunteers provided services equivalent to 137 full-time volunteers* total volunteer hours - 278,857 (including foster volunteer hours)* total number of individuals volunteering their time to ohs was 3,244* volunteer hours for general care, behavior, and enrichment totaled 30,318* ohs had 44 teams deploy in 2023 to help other agencies for emergency animal sheltering youth and community groups program* individuals who participated in the youth volunteer program numbered 127, providing 6,278 volunteer hoursfoster care* there were 580 foster care volunteer families, volunteering 199,178 hours* animals fostered totaled 2,811primary reasons for foster care* they were too young for adoption* they were nursing baby animals* they had a medical condition
Behavior consultation and training - ohs's experienced behavior consultation and training team offers a variety of dog, puppy, cat and kitten trainings services and are summarized as follows:* provided 541 private consultations in portland and 38 in salem* public training classes offered numbered 330 in portland and 74 in salem* people numbering 2,301 in portland and 250 in salem attended ohs training classes and workshopscontinued on schedule o. * volunteer trainings totaling 84 included 254 volunteers who attended those trainings* 71 dogs and 78 cats were helped through the behavior modification program* 68 dogs and 69 cats were adopted through the behavior modification program* a volume of 1,675 phone calls and emails were handled by the behavior help line, a free service provided to the community by ohs* top issues for cat owners: resident pet incompatibility and litter box issues* top issues for dog owners: leash reactivity issues, anxious/fearful behavior, and rough play
Community veterinary services - during the year ended december 31, 2023, ohs performed 16,807 surgeries in the community veterinary hospital ("cvh") including 3,082 spay and neuter surgeries and 642 other essential and emergency surgeries. In addition, the cvh provided 23,651 medical exams for pets and helped train 6 Oregon state university veterinary students and 28 portland community college certified veterinary technician students. Continued on schedule o.salem campus - community veterinary servicesohs provides medical services primarily for shelter animals and spay and neuter for pets of members of the community at its salem campus. In 2023, ohs's salem campus provided 6,251 spay/neuter surgeries. * 2,057 shelter pets* 1,294 community cats* 412 pets from other rescue groups* 2,488 owned pets
Community and education services - educating the community and promoting animals and programs are crucial to helping ohs achieve its mission of finding a home for every animal. In addition to a vibrant education department, ohs's communications and marketing department strives to promote critical and helpful information to the community through the media, special events, and real-time photos of animals available for adoption on ohs's 2023:* visitors to the portland campus totaled 70,185 (on average, 187 people visited the ohs portland campus each day - open 357 days)* visitors to the salem campus totaled 44,421 (on average, 124 people visited ohs salem campus each day - open 358 days)* adoptions at the portland campus averaged 24 per day* adoptions at the salem campus averaged 8.4 per day* ohs issued 50 press releases * ohs had 3,006 television, radio and web news stories * ohs hosted or participated in 55 total events * ohs's magazine reached 32,500 readers each quarter* ohs's website averaged 4,334 daily visitors and total new visitors to the site were approximately 1,532,472 for the year* the average time spent on ohs's website was four minuteshumane educationsometimes the most significant lessons are learned through compassion, empathy, and first hand experience. Ohs strives to reach the hearts and minds of children, teens, and adults ohs has the opportunity to meet. * Humane education reached 101,396 people, including 12,811 children and 88,585 adults, of which 955 of those people being reached through virtual education * Humane education made 38 non-school, off-site presentations reaching 1,516 individuals * school visits included 75 schools - 3 virtual visits and 330 classrooms visited with 6,672 individuals reached * eleven weeks of summer camp sessions were attended by 337 total campers* sixteen after-school clubs had 274 points of impact* 74 in-shelter tours reached 2,094 individuals
Humane law enforcement and rescue - ohs has two Humane special agents who are commissioned by the superintendent of Oregon state police to enforce Oregon's tough animal cruelty laws statewide. Ohs has officers in the community handling a variety of animal welfare complaints. In 2023, there were 3,886 calls and e-mail messages to ohs's cruelty complaint line and website. Humane special agents traveled across Oregon to investigate 542 new cases of animal cruelty leading to 466 animals being seized or removed from harm's way and 12 criminal cases. The Humane law enforcement department also assisted criminal justice partners 191 times and provided 89 veterinary forensic services for cases investigated by ohs and other law enforcement agencies. In total, 1,911 animals were helped by ohs's Humane law enforcement department in 2023. Ohs's goal is to save lives and enhance the relationship between people and their pets, while ensuring that the roughly two million pets in the region are protected from abuse or neglect. Rescueohs technical animal rescue ("ohstar") members with animal first-aid and rescue training are available to respond to animal rescue situations that require critical technical skills. Ohs staff and volunteers deployed 44 times to aid in emergency situations. The ohstar team enriches ohs's mission through saving lives and enhancing the relationship between people and their pets.