Program areas at Natchaug Hospital
Inpatient Treatment:Natchaug Hospital provides a full range of inpatient psychiatric and substance-abuse treatment for children, adolescents and adults at our 57-bed Mansfield Center facility. The highly qualified, experienced and dedicated professional staff of Natchaug Hospital provides expert care in a supportive, therapeutic setting - helping people regain their stability and return as soon as possible to their own homes. The hospital serves Medicare and Medicaid subscribers and provides care without regard to ability to pay.Intermediate Care (ICC):This is an acute level of care for a longer length of stay for persons living with prolonged and severe mental illness. Historically, people from Eastern Connecticut who were in need of an extended length of stay were referred to Cedarcrest Hospital in Newington. Natchaug Hospital ICC provides this much-needed care for persons from the Eastern Region, closer to the communities where they live and work.United Services and the Southeastern Mental Health Authority are the Local Mental Health Authorities (LMHA's) responsible for authorizing admission to the Intermediate Care Program. The above includes the authorization of Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) funds to pay for care in the event the patient is medically indigent, has exhausted his/her Medicare benefit, or has no Medicare hospitalization coverage. Patients are most likely to be referred from Eastern Region hospital inpatient units when it becomes clear that the patient will not be able to safely return to the community following an acute care stay. Upon admission, each patient is assessed by a psychiatrist, a registered nurse and a primary therapist. A treatment plan is developed for each patient. The treatment team works closely with the patient, their family and community providers to develop a discharge plan and ensure that community supports are in place.In-Patient Treatment Program:* Treats approximately 60 patients on a daily basis at the Mansfield locationInpatient Treatment includes:* Comprehensive bio-psycho-social assessment* Formulation of a treatment plan developed with the patient/family which may include the use of medications * Group therapy (a primary treatment approach)* Family therapy and individual therapy* Formulation of a discharge/aftercare plan* Case management servicesTypical patient experience: The majority of our patients arrive via ambulance through the ambulance entrance. All patients receive an initial assessment by a registered nurse and psychiatrist which is completed within 8 hours of admission. Patients are oriented to the unit, the milieu, and the schedule. Our patients are closely monitored for the first 24-48 hours, depending on presentation and symptoms.
PHP Adult: Natchaug's Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for adults is a intensive outpatient day and evening program for adults. This program is offered four hours a day for five days a week. There are nine dedicated locations and transportation is also available. Approximately 3,200 children, adolescents and adults are treated each year. A comprehensive treatment is provided including measures of emotional and behavioral functioning. It is a more significant program than outpatient treatment which helps patients spending more time engaging in treatment therapies, providing them best ability to overcome their addictions.
Education:Natchaug provides various educational programs such as:Clinical Day Treatment School Programs (CDT):Natchaug's clinical day treatment programs, which are approved by the Connecticut Department of Education, offer special education services to students in grades k - 12, whose social, emotional or behavioral health problems prevent them from functioning successfully in a public-school environment. Each student's academic and clinical treatment plan is individually designed to address his or her special needs. Our programs' goal is for these students to return to their public schools once the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) determines this it be appropriate.Natchaug Hospital School Programs:* Each school day, an average of 120 students attend Natchaug Hospital's school programs* Approved by the Connecticut Department of Education Students come to the Journey House School on a planned basis and for non-educational reasons. Each student's school files are evaluated for proper placement in school. Girls who receive special education, Section 504, and regular education all are educated at the Journey School. Students come to the five CDT sites via a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) Meeting from their home school district. They may be placed on a diagnostic basis with PPT meetings every two weeks while psychiatric, psychological and educational assessments are performed. Students also may enter the program already receiving special education services with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) in place. Transportation to all day school programs is provided by the Local Education Authority (LEA) that placed the student; however, transportation during the school day for field trips is often provided using Natchaug vans with school staff driving. At times, school field trips are transported by outside vendors. Description of typical day:A typical day in the CDT schools is similar to any traditional school day, with academic subjects in addition to psycho-educational groups led by school clinicians.
Natchaug Hospital is eastern Connecticut's leading provider of mental health and addiction services for children, adolescents and adults. Founded in 1954, Natchaug Hospital provides a wide range of mental health and addiction treatment services for children, adolescents and adults in eastern Connecticut. Natchaug offers inpatient services, including one of only six pediatric inpatient units in the state of Connecticut, residential treatment for court-involved teenage girls, clinical day treatment schools, and ambulatory services through its 10-site network of care.In addition to above, Natchaug provides the following services/programs:Child Services Adolescent ServicesYoung Adult ServicesAdult ServicesAlcohol AbuseOlder Adults ProgramAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Evaluations Autism Spectrum Disorder EvaluationsPsychological ServicesSchoolsExtended Day TreatmentInpatient TreatmentIntensive Outpatient TreatmentJoshua Center ProgramsJourney House ProgramPartial HospitalizationResidential Treatment ProgramMedication Assisted Treatment Close to Home (MATCH)